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Financial Resources


Who we are? YCDA works directly with Yakima County’s business community to understand challenges and connect businesses with available resources.



Small businesses physically located in Spokane, Yakima, Whitman, and Stevens counties are eligible to apply. The award of grant funds is not guaranteed, and applicants must meet certain criteria to qualify. Grants are intended for businesses at least 51% owned by Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) or other socially and/or economically disadvantaged small business enterprise. Women, Black/African Americans, Hispanic/Latinos, Middle Eastern, Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, or Native Hawaiian are generally presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged.

Use of Funds: Grant funds may be used for accounting support, marketing support, creating new jobs and retaining jobs that are subject to loss, and workplace improvements or repairs.

Award Amounts: There is $1,450,000 in funds for this program. Grants may be awarded in amounts of $5,000 to $15,000.

The online application portal is now open.  Applications are accepted until 8:59 pm Pacific Time, May 15, 2023. (Note: The application portal will close at 9 PM on May 15, 2023)

Where to apply:

The online application portal for the AHANA Small Business Innovation Grant is through the Innovia Foundation.

Apply for the AHANA Small Business Innovation Grant

A MyInnovia account is needed to apply for a grant. Click here to view instructions to create a MyInnovia account or click the button below to create your account on the Innovia website.

Click to create a MyInnovia account.

For application assistance with the grant, contact AHANA or Yakima County Development Association (see contact info below).

Uses of Funds:

$5,000 to $15,000 grants will be awarded based on application for:

  • Accounting/bookkeeping
  • Marketing support (website creation & hosting)
  • Personnel costs (new job or continue existing job)
  • Repair or update of fixed major equipment
  • Building or workplace improvements or repairs

Grant Application Timeline:

Funds are limited and applications accepted through May 15th. Eligible businesses include BIPOC owned and socially/economically disadvantaged small businesses. Approximately $1.4 million is available for grant awards.

Eligible small businesses must meet ALL of the following eligibility requirements:

  • For-profit business
  • 50 or fewer employees
  • Majority owned by a BIPOC or economically socially disadvantaged person
  • Physically located in Spokane, Stevens, Whitman, Yakima counties.
  • Have been in operation for at least one year (since February 1, 2022)
  • Provide all documents required in the application

You will need the following documents to apply:

  • Government Issued Identification of Business Owner. Driver’s license, passport, or state ID are accepted. Upload front and back side of ID.
  • Business License (City, County, or State) A copy of your business license. City, county, or state licenses are accepted.
  • Tax Return, 2022
    Your business tax return for 2022. If you were a sole proprietor and not in business in 2022, please submit a personal tax return.
  • Tax Return, 2021
    Businesses in operation prior to 2022 will submit their business tax return for 2021. If you are a sole proprietor, please submit a personal tax return.
  • W9 Form
    A W9 form for your business.
  • Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet, 2022
    Financial documentation for 2022 gross annual business revenues that indicates changes in net assets and statements of activity.
  • UEI number – You must have a UEI number or your business will not be eligible to receive funds. Here is a link to a video explaining how to get a UEI number if you do not have one.  If you do not have one yet you can apply for one by clicking on the link:

Here is a link to a video explaining how to get a UEI number if you do not have one

To apply and for more information visit:

Small Business Disaster Relief Grant

Commerce has $9.7 million available for grants to small businesses with annual gross receipts of $5 million or less that have sustained a reduction in business income or activity as a result of a Natural Disaster such as a flood, earthquake, wildfire, or a comparable Human-Caused Disaster such as major utility disruptions resulting in property damage or prolonged outages. (COVID-related impacts are not covered by this grant).
If you believe your business qualifies reach out to Yani.

Subsidio de Ayuda para Desastres para Pequeños Negocios

El Departamento de Comercio del estado de Washington tiene $9.7 millones disponibles para becas a pequeños negocios con ingresos brutos anuales de $5 millones o menos que hayan sufrido una reducción en los ingresos o la actividad comercial como resultado de un desastre natural como una inundación, un terremoto, un incendio forestal o un desastre humano comparable, como interrupciones importantes de los servicios públicos que resultan en daños a la propiedad o apagones prolongados.
Si cree que su negocio califica, comuníquese con Yani.

Para mas informacion en la ayuda para desastres haga clic

Washington Hospitality Grants
This program will award one-time grants to eligible restaurants, hotels, motels, and other small businesses in Washington State that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis.
Becas de Hospitalidad de Washington

Este programa otorgará becas únicas a restaurantes, hoteles, moteles y otras pequeños negocios elegibles en el estado de Washington que se vieron afectadas negativamente por la crisis de salud pública de COVID-19. 

Negocios Elegibles:

Becas para negocios de hosteleria y alojamiento, incluidos restaurantes, puestos de comida, camiones, carritos, empresas de catering, cervecerias y micro cervecerias, bodegas, y destilerias, hoteles, moteles o establecimientos similares y otras organizaciones de hosteleria.

Para mas informacion y aplicarse haga clic


Previous Financial Assistance Programs

YCDA administered over $12 million in COVID-19 financial assistance to more than 1,400 small businesses in Yakima County.

Grant Program
Businesses Assisted
Total Assistance
City of Grandview CARES Grant
City of Sunnyside CARES Grant
City of Toppenish CARES Grant
City of Union Gap CARES Grant
City of Yakima CARES Grant
City of Zillah CARES Grant
Commerce Direct Grant
Working Washington Grant
Yakima County CARES Grant Round 1
Yakima County CARES Grant Round 2
City of Yakima Non-Profit CARES Grant
City of Yakima CDBG
Yakima County CDBG

Give us a call!

Have more questions about how we can help your business thrive in Yakima?

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